1906 |
Samuel Barclay Beckett. Born at Foxrock near Dublin on 13th April.
Father William Frank Beckett, a quantity surveyor & his wife Mary, nee Roe.
Prep School: Earlsfort school, Dublin. Public School: Portora Royal, Enniskillen.
1923-1927 |
Trinity College, Dublin. Placed first in first class in Modern Literature
(French & Italian) awarded large gold medal.
Activities: Golf, cricket & chess. |
1928 |
Teaching at Campbell College Belfast.
1928-1930 |
Meets James Joyce, his life long friend. First work published, the poem Whoroscope.
1931 |
Lecturer in French, Trinity College, Dublin
Performance of Beckett’s first dramatic work, Le Kid.
Major literary criticism Proust published by Chatto & Windus
1934 |
More Pricks Than Kicks
(short stories) published.
1935 |
Echo’s Bones & other Precipitates, published.
1938 |
Murphy , his first novel published.
1942-1945 |
Works as agricultural labourer in Avignon.
Writes Watt
, last English novel.
Interpreter & store keeper at the Irish Red Cross hospital in Normandy.
1946-1950 |
Writes in French the essential works of the canon, the trilogy of novels
Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable
published 1951 & the play
Waiting for Godot , published 1952.
Beckett writes many art criticisms & art essays Three Dialogues with George Duthuit
(published in 1949)
Essay written for his painter friends, the brothers Bram & Geer van Velde
Called La Peinture des van Velde, ou Le Monde et le pantalon
1953 |
World Premiere of Waiting For Godot in Paris
1954 |
Beckett’s English translation of Godot published in New York.
Writes Hommage a .
Beckett associated on friendly terms with three other painters
Stanley William Hayter,
although Beckett did not write about any of them, except for a brief
Catalogue on Arikha.
1955 |
World premiere of the English Godot in London
directed by (now Sir) Peter Hall.
1957 |
First broadcast of
by BBC.
First production in French of
Endgame . Published in English in 1958.
1958 |
World premiere of
in London
1959 |
Hon. D. Litt., Dublin University.
wins Italia prize.
1961 |
World premiere of
in New York.
1962 |
First broadcast of Words & Music by BBC.
1963 |
Creation of
(German translation)
1964 |
made in New York
1966 |
Creation of Come & Go (German translation)
1969 |
Nobel Prize for Literature. Production of Breath
1972 |
World premiere of
1976 |
First broadcast by BBC of Rough For Radio & World premiere of That Time &
at the Royal Court Theatre, London.
1977 |
Ghost Trio & But The Clouds televised by the BBC.
1980 |
Company published.
1981 |
published & performed at the Centre for Theatre Research, New York
Ohio published & performed at Ohio State University, Columbus.
Mal Vu Mal dit Ill Seen Ill Said published.
1982 |
World premiere of Catastrophe at the Avignon Festival
1983 |
Nacht & Traume transmitted by SDR. World premiere of
Worstward Ho published.
Catastrophe published.
1984 |
Quad published.
1988 |
Stirrings Still published
1989 |
Beckett’s 2nd wife Suzanne dies.
22nd December Beckett dies.
Soubresauts published.
1992 |
Dream Of Fair To Middling Woman published.
1995 |
Beckett's first dramatic work, written even before Godot, called
published. It is still unperformed.