Welcome to the Well Furlong Book Shop. The titles on display here are limited to a specialised range of subjects in which Gaynor and Mike are interested. We have added a brief description of many of the books that we can recommend, and if you are interested in a particular title, you may buy it online from either Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk.
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Amazon.co.uk are offering:
Featured Artists | ||
British Artist 1909 - 1992 |
British Artist 1860 - 1942 |
Art Essays & Critiques | ||
An extensive list of books about art history, theory, movements, techniques and essays about art and artists. Books are listed in alphabetical order of author's name. | ||
Individual Artists | ||
Books about a number of individual artists listed in alphabetical order of artist's name. | ||
Sculpture & Sculptors | ||
Books describing sculpting techniques, and the history of sculpture. | ||
A list of recommended books by or about individual sculptors. Books are listed in alphabetical order of sculptor's name. | ||
Some recommended books about the Bard | ||
Books about Shakespeare's theatre and other theatres of the time | ||
A list of his plays, many of which may be bought here | ||
His plays and the only authorised biography | ||
A list of all his works, most of which are available for sale. |
If you can't find the book you're looking for on these pages, why not search the extensive Amazon.co.uk catalogue.